Vegetable Sowing Chart

Sowing Seasons

Month North India South India
JANUARY Brinjal Lettuce,Spinach, Gourds, Melons, Radish, Carrot, Onion, Tomato,Okra,Brinjal, Bean
FEBRUARY Applegourd, Bittergourd, Bottle gourd, Cucumber, French Beans, Okra, Sponge, Gourd, Watermelon, Spinach Same as January
MARCH Same as February Amaranthus, Coriander, Gourds, Beans, Melons, Spinach, Okra
APRIL Capsicum Onion, Amaranthus, Coriander, Gourds, Okra, Tomato, Chilli
MAY Onion, Pepper, Brinjal Okra, Onion, Chilli
JUNE All gourds, Brinjal, Cucumber, Cauliflower (Early), Okra, Onion,Sem,Tomato,Pepper Gourds, Solanaeceae,Almost all vegetables
JULY All gourds, Cucumber, Okra, Sem, Tomato Same as June
AUGUST Carrot, Cauliflower, Radish, Tomato Carrot, Cauliflower, Beans, Beet
SEPTEMBER Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Peas, Radish, Tomato, Lettuce Cauliflower, Cucumber, Onion,Peas,Spinach
OCTOBER Beet, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Peas, Radish, Spinach, Turnip Brinjal, Cabbage,Capsicum,Cucumber, Beans,Peas, Spinach, Turnip, Watermelon
NOVEMBER Turnip, Tomato, Radish, Pepper, Peas, Beet Beet, Eggplant, Cabbage, Carrot, Beans, Lettuce, Melon, Okra, Turnip
DECEMBER Tomato Lettuce, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Ash gourd, Ridge gourd, Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Cucumber, Chilly, Cabbage,


Ideal Germination Conditions

Vegetable Ideal F Ideal C Range F Range C Direct/ Transplant North India South India
Tinda 77 25 68-85 20-30 Direct Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul
Beet 70 20 50-75 10-30 Direct Oct-Nov Aug-Nov
Bittergourd 77 25 68-85 20-30 Direct Feb-March/ June-July Nov-Dec/ Dec-Jan/ Jun-July
Bottlegourd 77 25 68-85 20-30 Direct Feb-March/ June-July Nov-Dec/ Dec-Jan/ Jun-July
Brinjal/ Eggplant 85 30 70-95 21-35 Transplant Jan-Feb/ May-Jun/ Oct-Nov Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov/ Jan-Feb
Cabbage 70 20 45-70 10-20 Transplant Sep-Oct Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov
Capsicum 70 21 60-77 15-25 Transplant Nov-Jan Jul-Aug/ Oct-Nov/ Jan-Feb
Carrot 80 25 45-85 10-30 Direct Aug-Sep-Oct Aug-Nov
Cauliflower (early) 77 25 77-80 25-27 Transplant Mid-June Jun-Jul/ Aug-Sep
Cauliflower (late) 65 18 60-70 16-20 Transplant Aug-Sep-Oct Jun-Jul
Cauliflower (midseason) 58 15 <60 <16 Transplant Sep-Oct Jun-Jul/ Aug-Sep
Cucumber 95 16 60-95 16-32 Direct Feb-March/ June-July Jun-July/ Sep-Oct/ Dec-Jan
Frenchbeans 70 20 60-85 16-30 Direct Feb-March
Lettuce 75 20 40-80 7-27 Transplant Sep-Oct Oct-Dec
Melon 80 27 75-95 22-32 Direct Jan-Feb Oct-Jan
Okra 77 25 70-95 20-32 Direct Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul Jan-Feb/ May-Jun/ Oct-Dec
Onion 75 22 50-95 10-32 Transplant May-Jun Mar-Apr/ May-June/ Sep-Oct
Peas 75 22 40-75 10-22 Direct Sep-Oct, Nov Sep-Oct, Nov
Pepper 85 30 65-95 18-32 Transplant Nov-Jan/ May-Jun Jan-Feb/ May-Jun/ Oct-Nov
Radish 85 30 45-90 10-30 Direct Aug-Jan (Depending
Sembeans 85 30 77-95 25-35 Direct Jun-Jul Jun-Jul, Aug
Spinach 70 22 45-75 10-22 Direct Sep-Nov/ Feb Sep, Oct, Nov
Spongegourd 70 22 70-85 20-30 Direct Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov
Tomato 85 30 70-95 20-30 Transplant Jun-Aug/ Nov-Dec Jan-Feb/ Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov
Turnip 85 30 60-105 15-35 Direct Oct-Nov Oct-Nov
Watermelon 95 30 70-95 20-30 Direct Jan-Mar Oct-Jan

Vegetable Plants Spacing

Vegetable Inches between plants Depth of seed (inches)
Asparagus 12-18 1-2
Beans, Broad 8-10 1-1.5
Beans, Lima
Beans, Snap or Green
Beetroot 2-3 1
Broccoli 24 1.5
Brussels Sprouts 24 0.25
Cabbage 18-24 0.25
Carrot 4 0.25
Cauliflower 18-24 0.5
Celery 8-10 0.25
Chard 6-9 0.5
Chayote 30 5-6
Chick pea 6-8 0.5
Chicory 12-18 0.5
Chinese Cabbage 18 0.5
Collards 12 0.5
Corn 12 1-1.5
Cucumber 12 0.5
Eggplant 18-24 0.25
Endive 9-12 0.25
Horseradish 24 0.25
Kale 12 0.5
Kohlrabi 8 0.25
Leek 6-9 Surface sow, cover it lightly
Lettuce 8-12 Surface sow, cover it lightly
Muskmelon 18-24 1
Mustard 6-12 0.5
Okra 12-18 0.5
Peas 1-2 1
Peanut 6-8 1
Pepper 18-24 0.25
Potato 12-18 4
Sweet Potato 12-18 3-5
Pumpkin 24-48 1
Radish 6 0.5
Shallot 6-8 0.25
Sorrel 12-18 0.25
Soybean 6 0.5-1
Spinach 2-4 0.5
Squash, Summer 24-36 1
Squash, Winter 24-48 1
Tomato 24 0.25
Watermelon 24-72 1
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7 Responses

  1. […] You want to know what can be sown next month? Refer  Sowing Chart […]

  2. […] at how carrots, eggplants and all sorts of things can be grown on your balcony. He also has a good ‘when to sow’ chart with temperatures for when to grow veges in both North and South […]

  3. V k sud says:

    Which vegetables need very less sun ( about 40 minutes) in summer and winter. I want to use small pots in my balcony which get very less sun

  4. Bhupinder singh says:

    Sir i want to hydroponics farming guide me plz

  5. Sunil says:

    What is Ideal F and Ideal C meaning in Germination Conditions

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