The title says it all. My blog/site has crossed 2 million views. Thanks for a lot for making this happen. This definitely is very motivating for me. I definitely need to catch up on frequency of the posts.Though the posts are infrequent, works on gardening/hydroponics/aeroponics has been happening with great progress. I will be posting more of those in the coming weeks. Till then, have a nice weekend.

What a great way to start a Sunday!

Onto 3 million….


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7 Responses

  1. Congrats GG!!! What’s incredible is the last 1 1/2 million is in less than 2 years. Even though your posts are far and few these days there’s already enough knowledge on the site to keep the hit count increasing by leaps and bounds.

  2. Hey GG, Congrats on that milestone and keep counting! The forum on this website is a happening place where great info and advice is exchanged and given to every seeker. We are waiting for your new posts on happening things into your greenhouse and your experience with new gardening techniques. Please make that happen soon!

  3. hello GG,
    Just came across your webpage, via Preethi Shenoys inspirational links.
    I am a garderner at heart, and tries to do some interior gardening. However, i recently have a problem that my green chilli plant produces a lot of flowers, but not a single chilli!!
    Can you please suggest some tips. My plant is inside my flat (near window), get sunlight and water, i also feed them with purchased organic fertilizer. But i am now upset without seeeing a green chilli!! Please suggest!

  4. Hello GG,

    I liked the looks and feel of your website very much.Can you guide me where can I get assistance from for my website which I am planning to launch.
    -thanks in anticipation.

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