How to grow basil plants in your garden Basil, known by the Botanical name Ocimum Basilicum, is one of the most popular herbs and the easiest to grow in a kitchen garden. Growing basil is also fun since there are so many varieties of basil to choose from. You name a flavor, there is a […]
Growing Potatoes and When to Plant Potatoes in your garden Growing potatoes in your garden is fun and very rewarding. Harvesing potatoes is like a treasure hunt. With so many varieties and colors of potatoes available, it is essential that we know how to grow potatoes, how and when to plant potatoes in your garden. […]
Growing Arugula – How to grow arugula from seed Arugula! You have heard about it. you wanted to know about it. Probably didnt get a chance. This post is just for you. So, What is Arugula and what other names does it have? Arugula is an edible plant from the Brassicaceae family. The same family […]
How to grow Fennel Herb What is fennel? You might wonder. Fennel is a herb that produces the fennel bulbs and the fennel seeds. Fennel in Hindi – सौंफ़ and Fennel in Tamil – பெருஞ்சீரகம்.     The fennel herb, Feoniculum Vulgare, as it is botanically called has been in use for a long long time. Fennel belongs […]
Tips on Growing Cucumbers Cucumbers are a versatile crop. Be it pickling, mixing into a salad or snacking right off the vine, cucumbers are a great choice.Growing cucumbers is  just as easy. Learn about growing cucumbers and enjoy bountiful harvest. Types of Cucumbers There several types of cucumbers, mainly slicing and pickling. There are several […]
Growing Cilantro – How to grow Cilantro Cilantro Herb Cilantro herb is one of those herbs that has a flavor like no other. Cilantro is also known as Coriander, chinese parsley or Dhania in the Indian subcontinent. Cilantro herb is used for its aromatic leaves or for its seeds that pack a ton of flavor. […]
Guide to using Epsom salt for plants Besides its many uses, Epsom salt is still considered one of the best fertilizers for plants in your garden. If you are thinking of using Epsom salts for plants or wondering how to use Epsom salts for plants, this article should help you decide. So What is epsom […]
Guide to Growing tomatoes from seed A vegetable garden is never complete without growing tomatoes. This post is about growing tomatoes from seed and how to plant tomato seeds. Growing tomatoes in your garden is very easy and rewarding. Tomatoes can be grown in the following ways Growing tomatoes from Seed Growing tomatoes from Transplants Growing tomatoes […]
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