Exactly a month before, the seedlings in these posts were lying motionless in a tiny airtight packet. It was in one of my previous post, they began their journey of life and here they are ..

Coleus Mix:

The seed packet promised that Its a mix of brilliant colors. The colors are brilliant no doubt not sure how much “mixed” they are.. anyway its not the seedling’s fault.

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French Marigold:

They are growing at a very fast and steady pace. With last few days in Bangalore having unpredictable weather, the sunshine in the balcony is feeble and it shows up right there in the plants.

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Here is Tithonia with a lush green foliage. They look so fresh especially in the morning.

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Not sure how many more days to wait for them to flower.. haaa… “God give me patience but please hurry up”.


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5 Responses

  1. Great marigolds – Love their ball-like blooms! I am waiting upon my Tithonias too! [sigh] BTW, the edges of my Tithonia leaves are turning brownish – is it too much sun? less watering? disease? I checked the leaves beneath but nothing fishy… Any ideas?

    • Hi Chandramouli,

      After a long time I am growing marigolds, that too the french ones. Their flowers are small ( so are the plants). I like their compactness and the beauty they add to my small container garden.

      My tithonias kept growing at a very good pace and then stopped at some point. No signs of flower buds yet. I am thinking that the pot size I chose is very small. But I will wait for some more time before I repot them.

      For the leaves drying part, I guess it could the less watering part. I can imagine chennai’s summer at this time of the year.


  2. Hi, just curious.. do we get seed packets in India? I have never seen any, well, my hometown is Mumbai and people don’t have time or space to grow much. do you pick up seeds when you travel to US for work (I assume you do being IT guy in Banglore)…

    • Hi fenugreeklove,

      Ofcourse, we do get seed packets in India. I purchase most of my seeds in bangalore( or whereever I go, i return home with seeeeeds 😀 ). You can check out garden shops/nurseries. If you dont get them let me know I can send some seeds.


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