Growing Tomatoes in grow bags Whenever I see a commercial greenhouse or farm, I always get this feeling..”why can’t we grow plants like they do?”. The moment this thought comes in, you start paying attention to details. You try to do everything the right way and see if you can perfect the art. My goal […]
Its so surprising how a capsicum/bell pepper plant with many peppers hanging on them, makes people go crazy . Anyone who came home when I have mature peppers in the plant, goes back with some seeds of the same. Tell me, who doesn’t love to have a plant like this.. This capsicum variety is called […]
Ever since I wrote this post, comments and queries have been pouring and the response is really overwhelming. Thanks for all that. Questions were mostly of these categories, broadly Is greenhouse really necessary. What’s wrong with plain Terrace. Planning and cost of the greenhouse. Managing plants in greenhouse, ranging from light level, irrigation, pollination , […]
There is no count on how many times I have longed to have large space for my garden. Anytime I pass by a house with lots of garden space but not a single plant in it, I used to feel “Why life is so unfair?”. People with so much passion have only a balcony left […]
This post is a continuation of Part I. This post focuses on seed germination  popularly known as seed starting. Seed germination is the process of sprouting of a seed and beginning of  growth. A seed germinates when the environment around is conducive this includes temperature, light levels etc.. When the environment is not favorable for […]
Like I have been postponing on writing a post on how to start a kitchen garden, I am sure few of you who are reading this have already postponed starting a garden of your own. Oh and I am sure you have plenty of valid reasons for postponing. Few people have lots of space both […]
Earlier I wrote about Seed starting Lettuce with many pictures of various steps involved. I couldn’t blog about the results actually. Anyway, it took almost 2 weeks for 50% of the lettuce to show up and the rest of the 50% never really showed up. I was really disappointed. I started questioning the way I […]
In my last post, I wrote about Seed saving with the explanation of OP and Hybrids pending. Why should you know about OP and Hybrid ? The reason why you are saving seed is probably you like some trait of that plant like a) taste, b) color c) appearance. Or any other habit of that […]
Hydroponics Starter Kit For Sale