Most of us are quite familiar with buying seeds or sharing seeds. Seed saving is something not many of us do that often. What exactly is seed saving? Seed saving is a process of collecting seeds from the fruit of the plant for sowing in the coming season. Why save seeds? Back then, there were […]
Its been more than a month since my last post. So what pushed me to write this post? Flowers in my garden…. They are so beautiful and vibrant that anyone will want to talk about them, write about them. Most of the flowers that you will see in this post were started from seed. I […]
With so many varieties I had, I sowed “Yellow pear” because it had such an excellent shape. I was just waiting for this tomato to bear atleast one fruit so that I can whistle around the house.. This tomato is an Heirloom variety and is open pollinated. One needs to note that these varieties are […]
Ok, Not exactly a greenhouse, but a poor man’s propagation chamber or a cold frame. what ever you want to call it. Its been sitting there for a while at my home since the day I got it done. I remember my school days when I was asked to write an essay on “My house” […]
Its almost a month since I planted those spinach seeds and I thought I will post some pictures today. As i already mentioned they are grown in a mix that has vermiculite, compost, coir dust in the ratio 1:1:1. So here they are. One of the things I learned during this seed starting is that […]
Thanks for showing interest to know about me. My real life name is Manikandan Pattabiraman (shortly ‘Mani’) and ‘geekgardener’ is a handle I chose for myself when I started this site . I am a self taught farmer/grower living in Bangalore, India. I started the company Geekgardener Greentech to promote Urban Vegetable Gardens and the […]
Hydroponics Starter Kit For Sale