Starting a garden can be as simple as tossing some seeds in the soil, watering them and watching them grow or it can be so confusing that you are stuck at choosing what to buy and how to start.   Have you ever felt that you always wanted to start a garden but it is […]
  Pollination and its importance Without pollination, you can’t have the fruits of your effort (pun intended as always ;-). Pollination is a process where the pollen from the male parts of the flower are transferred to female flower or female parts of the flower. This step has to happen for fruit set to happen. […]
Microgreens are everywhere these days. You see them in the toppings, in the garnishes and hey also in your friend’s Instagram page.   So what is so great about microgreens that makes everyone go gaga over it? The answer is very simple. More nutrition at fraction of a time! Needs very small space to grow […]
Growing Cilantro – How to grow Cilantro Cilantro Herb Cilantro herb is one of those herbs that has a flavor like no other. Cilantro is also known as Coriander, chinese parsley or Dhania in the Indian subcontinent. Cilantro herb is used for its aromatic leaves or for its seeds that pack a ton of flavor. […]
Guide to Growing tomatoes from seed A vegetable garden is never complete without growing tomatoes. This post is about growing tomatoes from seed and how to plant tomato seeds. Growing tomatoes in your garden is very easy and rewarding. Tomatoes can be grown in the following ways Growing tomatoes from Seed Growing tomatoes from Transplants Growing tomatoes […]
Blossom End Rot Blossom End Rot on tomato plant is every gardener’s nightmare. After all the hard work for sowing, transplanting and growing a tomato plant, the last thing one wants to see is their harvest rotting away. Blossom end rot in tomatoes can be quite disheartening as it can lead to severe loss in production […]
First part of this series got tremendous response that I am writing the second part much sooner than I thought. Can’t keep you guys waiting! Ok. Assuming all the required materials for starting or sowing seeds are available, we shall see how to do the seed starting it self. Call it what you want, seed […]
 How to grow Herbs in a Hydroponic Raft system Imagine this. You want to make some dish and you need Basil. You run to the market to get some basil. You have to get a whole bunch and you only need little. You use what you need and keep the rest in the refrigerator. We […]
Hydroponics Starter Kit For Sale